In diesem Buch über Probiotika erfahren Sie alles, was Sie über nützliche Bakterien und Ihre Gesundheit wissen müssen.
Diese leicht verständliche „Bibel der Probiotika“ bietet wichtige Fakten und Tipps für alle, die an einer Nahrungsergänzung mit Probiotika interessiert sind.

NATREN® Since 1982
Natren comes from a long tradition of excellence and cultural heritage, beginning over 750 years ago in the northern region of Macedonia. Helmed by husband and wife team Natasha & Yordan Trenev, Natren® quite literally brought live bacteria to North America, introducing Americans to the culture of live cultures. With Yogurt as the original vehicle, Natasha & Yordan eventually developed a product line containing the full spectrum of healthy gut flora. As a result of their rich history and innovation in this pivotal industry, Natren is simply elevated above the rest.
- ✔ Pharmaceutical Grade Facility
- ✔ Decades of Scientific Research
- ✔ Validated Third Party Testing
- ✔ Proven Survivability