Frequently Asked Questions
We use DHL Express, which usually lands in the destination country within 1 - 2 days from the point it is shipped. We send shipments Monday to Thursday. If your order is received by 12pm it will usually be shipped that day, otherwise after 12pm it will leave us the next available delivery day as above.
All shipments are packaged in Paperfloc ecological packaging, with an ice pack included. Read more about the Paperfloc packaging here:
Children If Dairy Free, then get the Megadophilus, Bifido Factor and Digesta-Lac in Dairy Free Powder or Capsule form. Empty the contents of the capsules into your milk, yoghurt or diluted fruit juice, applesauce or pudding and mix well. Consume on an empty stomach. If Dairy is not an issue, then get the Megadophilus, Bifido Factor and Digesta-Lac in Dairy Powder form. The powders contain more supernatant (culturing medium) per serving, which has beneficial elements. Stir the powders into your milk, yoghurt, or diluted fruit juice, applesauce or pudding, and mix until smooth. Consume on an empty stomach. Adults Use the Healthy Trinity capsules. But if you tend towards diarrhea, then get the the Megadophilus, Bifido Factor and Digesta-Lac in Powder form. Mix with water and take on an empty stomach for maximum potency. If you tend towards constipation, then take only the Megadophilus, and Digesta-Lac in capsule form until your constipation has resolved. Take extra Digesta-Lac as needed. Then gradually add in the Bifido Factor. If you tend towards heartburn, take the Megadophilus and Digesta-Lac in Powder form. Mix with water and sip slowly on an empty stomach for maximum potency. You don’t need Bifido Factor for heartburn, but it’s good for your colon, so mix it in too – if you’re not already taking Healthy Trinity. If you don’t tolerate probiotics very well, then start with only 1 species in Powder form, start with only a pinch or 1/8 tsp of one species and gradually build up. If you tend towards constipation, then start with Digesta-Lac. If you’re normal, or tend towards diarrhea, then begin with Life Start. Gradually add the other species once you tolerate the normal dose of the first species.
Healthy Trinity and the Healthy Trinity Start System provide the same beneficial bacteria. Healthy Trinity is our most potent probiotic. It combines the three most powerful super strains of probiotics in one convenient capsule. The Healthy Trinity Start System is a bottle of Megadophilus, Bifido Factor and Digesta Lac, each one with a different, gentle serving of one probiotic super strain.
The capsules contain the same freeze-dried probiotics as the powders. The powders allow you to use the amount you desire and are better suited for people who have trouble swallowing capsules. The capsules offer the convenience of a pre-measured serving. Individual preference is the determining factor in selecting which one is right for you.
Life Start is the preferred, specially formulated probiotic for infants and toddlers up to the age of four. It can be used successfully by people of all ages or were born by Cesarean Section or were not breast-fed.
Like all living creatures, probiotics need to be protected from harsh environments. Their life-spans are diminished by heat, light and moisture. Natren products are packaged in dark glass bottles with tin lids to protect them from harmful light and moisture. They are shipped in WoolCool pouches to keep them cool and extend their lives so they have guaranteed potency through the printed expiration date. Without such care and a guarantee, you may be wasting your money.
Natren supplements are safe at any level. You can combine various probiotics and increase the amount until you achieve the desired results.
All Natren probiotic supplements are free from gluten and gluten derivatives.
Tap water often contains chlorine or fluoride with pesticide residues and other undesirable chemicals. Since chlorine and fluoride are used to destroy harmful bacteria, these chemicals will harm the beneficial bacteria as well, thereby diminishing the positive effects.
Before you look at cfu, or colony forming units, you need to be sure you know what strains you are getting so you know if they are going to be effective. You can have many strains of bacteria in a product, but if they are not the right kind, they won't help you.If you've identified the strain and it is clearly labeled, then you can turn your attention to the cfu. The minimum serving you should take is 1 billion cfu – it's the least amount of organisms needed to get a measurable effect. A therapeutic amount is around 10 billion cfu. Natren® has always listed potency of specific strains in cfu, when no other companies were doing that and the practice continues even today.
There is no way to guarantee the potency of probiotics if they have been without refrigeration and/or shipped without any protective packaging. When probiotic products are shipped without without any protective packaging, they can be exposed to very high temperatures. Since probiotics are living organisms, you can be guaranteed of their potency only if they have been stored in refrigeration and shipped with protective packaging such as WoolCool pouches. Natren products are refrigerated from manufacturing throughout the entire shipping process. This has always been Natren's standard when other companies have misrepresented the potency of their probiotic products by claiming they are shelf-stable; they conveniently don't mention that their products are not stable when exposed to harsh temperatures in the warehouse, shipping and distribution processes. If other companies cannot guarantee potency of each strain through a printed expiry date, how can you trust any of their claims?
The powder products are protected with the intrinsic supernatant, part of the original nourishing and protective culture medium, which provides a natural buffer against gastric acid.Micro-enrobing with a unique oil matrix is the best way to protect probiotic bacteria from stomach acid. Natren Healthy Trinity® is the first to introduce a micro-enrobing, unique delivery system – a hard gel capsule in which three super strains of probiotic bacteria are suspended in sunflower oil and vitamin E to keep the bacteria separate, noncompetitive and protected from gastric digestive juices for optimum absorption.The bacteria strains must be bile-resistant. All Natren probiotics have laboratory-tested bile-resistant strains which will survive bile salts.
The unique and powerful strains that make up Healthy Trinity are Lactobacillus acidophilus, NAS super strain, to optimize beneficial activity in the small intestine; Bifidobacterium bifidum, Malyoth super strain to support the function of the large intestine; and Lactobacillus bulgaricus, LB-51 super strain to police the transient flora, which is part of the 40 percent of dry-weight fecal matter.
All of Natren's Dairy Free POWDERS are Vegan; i.e. Megadophilus Dairy Free and Bifido Factor Dairy Free powders. Take 1 tsp. a day of each, up to three times a day for rapid results. If you're not into taking powders, Natren also has a veggie cap system; so, any dairy-free powder in veggie caps is suitable for Vegans. All the products referenced above are available in Veggie Caps. Note: Digesta-Lac Dairy Free is only available in veggie caps, not in powder form. Finally, for the Vegan guru who's serious about his/her probiotic health, Natren offers the Dairy Free Healthy Trinity System in veggie caps.
Note: This is Natasha Trenev's personal opinion and should not be construed as medical advice. Please consult with a medical doctor if you need more information. "The dynamics of the internal 100 trillion microorganisms changes continually according to the following factors: genetic predisposition, aging, daily stress, consumption of antimicrobial substances including antibiotics, a poor diet that favors the growth of undesirable microorganisms, travel, microbes found in food, air, and water and daily elimination of waste. Up to 40% of dried weight fecal matter is bacteria thus a tremendous shift happens whenever we have a bowel movement. There are no other more compelling reasons to consume probiotic beneficial bacteria than the ones listed. I often tell people you like to eat and drink every day why wouldn't you want to positively influence the most important ecological factor for your health? I believe it is more important than diet and exercise...but that is my opinion based on 40 years of research in this field."

NATREN’s Healthy Trinity
Three Tried and True Super Strains
Natren's Healthy Trinity is formulated with a 3 in 1 probiotic system to provide over 30 Billion colony forming units of healthy bacteria where you need it most. Each capsule uses a patented oil delivery system to ensure the probiotics actually make it to your GI tract.

NATREN® Since 1982
Natren comes from a long tradition of excellence and cultural heritage, beginning over 750 years ago in the northern region of Macedonia. Helmed by husband and wife team Natasha & Yordan Trenev, Natren® quite literally brought live bacteria to North America, introducing Americans to the culture of live cultures. With Yogurt as the original vehicle, Natasha & Yordan eventually developed a product line containing the full spectrum of healthy gut flora. As a result of their rich history and innovation in this pivotal industry, Natren is simply elevated above the rest.
- ✔ Pharmaceutical Grade Facility
- ✔ Decades of Scientific Research
- ✔ Validated Third Party Testing
- ✔ Proven Survivability